Policy Title: Fee Waivers
Policy Number: 3354:2-20-51
Originally Approved Date:12/7/00
Revised Date(s):03/06/2003, 6/3/04
Related Policy/Procedure:
Approved By:Board of Trustees
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Continuing Admin & S/P Temporary Admin & S/P Tenure-track Faculty Non-tenure track Faculty
x Full-time x Full-time x Full-time x Temporary
x Partial-year x Partial-year   x Part-time
x Part-time x Part-time    
Staff Staff
x Full-time x Full-time    
x Partial-year x Partial-year    
x Part-time x Part-time    


  1. Credit Courses
    1. Full-time continuing and temporary and partial-year administrators, supervisory/professionals, and staff employees, or members of their immediate family defined as dependent by Internal Revenue Service, may enroll in credit classes at the college and have the instructional fees waived. Waivers do not include out-of-county and out-of-state surcharges, or any other fees except instructional fees.
      1. Partial-year employees are eligible for this benefit during periods of active work and during scheduled unpaid time off.
    2. Part-time continuing and temporary (in positions of greater than six months and 520 hours of continuous employment) administrators, supervisory/professionals and staff, or members of their immediate family as defined above, may enroll in credit classes at the college and have a pro-rated portion of the instructional fees (with the limits noted above) waived after an initial qualifying employment period of three months for staff (administrators, supervisory/professionals) or one semester for faculty.
      1. The percentage of fee waived is based upon the administrative, supervisory/professional, or staff member's full-time equivalency for the position held as recorded in the Human Resource record keeping system or, for part-time faculty, the number of units of load taught during the current or preceding semester except during fall semester when the credit load from the previous spring may also be used.
    3. Courses may not be taken during an employee's regular hours of work except as provided in Policy 3354:2-20-56 relative to employee development.
  2. Non-credit Courses
    1. Full-time continuing and temporary and partial year administrators, supervisory/professionals and staff, or members of their immediate family as defined above, may enroll in non-credit courses at the college and have the instructional fees waived.
    2. Part-time continuing and temporary (in positions of greater than six months and 520 hours, continuous employment) staff, or members of their immediate family as defined above, may enroll each semester in a combined total of three non-credit courses at the college and have the instructional fees waived after an initial qualifying employment period of three months.
    3. Part-time faculty teaching credit courses, or members of their immediate family as defined above, may enroll in a combined total of three non-credit courses per semester.
      1. Part-time faculty are eligible to receive this benefit during any semester in which they are teaching. However, when teaching in summer, waivers can be extended for use in the fall semester.
      2. Part-time faculty are eligible to enroll in one Community Education professional development course in the summer if they taught during the immediately preceding spring.
    4. Non-credit courses may not be taken during an employee's regular hours of work except as provided in policy 3354:2-20-56 relative to employee development.
Staging Enabled