Policy Number: 3354:2-20-01
Title: Employment Classifications
Date Approved by the Board of Trustees: 7/7/94
Updated & Approved:
Related Procedure


Continuing Admin & S/PTemporary Admin & S/PTenure-track FacultyNon-tenure track Faculty
x Full-timex Full-timex Full-timex Temporary
x Partial-yearx Partial-year x Part-time
x Part-timex Part-time  
x Full-timex Full-time  
x Partial-yearx Partial-year  
x Part-timex Part-time  


  1. Position Status
    1. Continuing Status Positions
      1. Those with no known employment termination date.
    2. Temporary or Grant-Funded Status Positions
      1. Those with a known employment termination date.
  2. Budgetary Status
    1. Full-time Positions
      1. Established with the anticipation of a minimum work schedule of 2,080 straight-time hours per fiscal year or 40 hours per week for 52 weeks per year.
    2. Partial-Year/Full-time Positions
      1. Established with the anticipation of a minimum work schedule of 1,600 straight-time hours per fiscal year or 40 hours per week for 40 consecutive weeks per year.
    3. Part-time Positions
      1. Established with the anticipation of a maximum work schedule of 1,508 hours per fiscal year.
  3. Level of Assignment
    1. Administrative
      1. Administrators
        1. Officers
        2. All others
      2. Supervisory/Professionals
    2. Faculty
    3. Staff
Staging Enabled