Due to severe weather, all classes, activities, clinicals, and events are cancelled for 1/21/2025 and delayed opening 1/22/2025. This includes in-person, online/virtual and hybrid classes, clinicals, events, meetings and college offices.


Students with disabilities are provided comprehensive support and accommodations at Lakeland Community College. Students are encouraged to meet with counselors as early as possible in the enrollment process to discuss and coordinate identified accommodations.

Schedule an appointment

To schedule an appointment with the Lakeland Community College Student Accommodations Center, please contact senior program assistant, Mary Wheeler. You can reach her by phone at 440-525-7020 or by email at

Upload Your Documents

Please use the form at the link below to securely upload your documents.

Documentation upload

What we do

The Lakeland Student Accommodation Center helps the college to remain in compliance with applicable laws and to offer students with documented disabilities reasonable accommodations which provide access to all of Lakeland's programs, classes and activities. Each accommodation is tailored to meet the needs of the individual student. The Student Accommodation Center recognizes each student's right to be treated with dignity and respect and encourages students to move toward increasing independence and responsibility in their academic life.

More About the Student Accommodation Center

The counselors for students with disabilities coordinate support services for eligible students with physical, psychological, or learning disabilities in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Services may include the following:

  • Individual contact with faculty members regarding classroom accommodations
  • Personal, career and limited academic advisory
  • Liaison with The Learning Center, support groups and community agencies
  • Priority registration
  • TDD and adaptive technology
  • Alternative testing arrangements

Students must present recent documentation of their disability from the appropriate physician, psychologist, school district or other qualified professional. This documentation is subject to review and approved by the college. All records are confidential. Students must be registered for classes during the special registration period (listed in the course schedule) to be guaranteed provision of all identified accommodations. For further information contact the Student Accommodation Center.


Complaint Resolution

Students and faculty
As a first step, please direct your concern or complaint to a counselor in Lakeland's Student Accommodation Center who will work with you to resolve the issue.

Student initiated complaints
Visit Lakeland's complaint and feedback page to submit your academic or non academic complaint.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Visit Lakeland's complaint and feedback page to submit your complaint for non instructional issues.

Office for Civil Rights
If you feel you have been discriminated against because of your disability, you can file a civil rights complaint with the Office for Civil Rights.


Staging Enabled