Policy Title: Performance Evaluation
Policy Number: 3354:2-20-30
Originally Approved Date:12/7/2000
Revised Date(s):03/06/2003
Related Procedure: HR20-30A HR20-30B
Approved By:Board of Trustees
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Continuing Admin & S/P Temporary Admin & S/P Tenure-track Faculty Non-tenure track Faculty
x Full-time x Full-time Full-time Temporary
x Partial-year x Partial-year   Part-time
x Part-time x Part-time    
Staff Staff
x Full-time x Full-time    
x Partial-year x Partial-year    
x Part-time x Part-time    


  1. The performance evaluation process culminates in a formal, written summary of the supervisor of record's appraisal of the employee's performance of assigned tasks and responsibilities and adherence to both general, college-wide and specific, departmental standards of conduct.
    1. Cycle
      1. Probationary Status Staff Employees
        1. As an Extension of the Selection Process
          1. A formal, written performance evaluation will be prepared by the supervisor of record and presented to the probationary-status employee a minimum of three times, at intervals of two months within the six months (of paid employment, i.e. exclusive of period of unpaid leave or non-work) probationary period.
        2. As a Result of Unsatisfactory Performance
          1. Staff employees returned to probationary status as a result of less than a fully acceptable overall performance evaluation rating will be re-evaluated after no less than two months and no more than six months of paid employment have elapsed.
          2. Employees receiving a less than fully acceptable overall rating shall not receive an increase in compensation while the less than fully acceptable rating is in effect. Hours of employment accrued during this period will not be credited toward salary adjustment based on hours worked.
          3. Upon receiving a "fully acceptable" evaluation rating, the employee will be immediately eligible for any salary schedule adjustment which occurred.
      2. Non-probationary Status Staff Employees
        1. Non-probationary staff employees will be evaluated no less than every twelve months. Supervisors may formally evaluate an employee's performance as needed to ensure adequate communication and feedback.
      3. Probationary Status Administrators and Supervisory/Professionals
        1. A formal, written performance evaluation shall be prepared by the supervisor of record and presented to the probationary status employee no less frequently than every four months.
          1. Interim performance objectives shall be established and monitored for each interim evaluation period.
          2. A summative evaluation shall be prepared at the end of the fiscal year.
      4. Non-probationary Status Administrators and Supervisory/Professionals
        1. The work performance of all administrators and supervisory/professionals shall be evaluated at the conclusion of each fiscal year.
    2. Performance Evaluation Ratings
      1. Staff Employees
        1. The supervisor of record will evaluate the staff employee's performance and assign an overall rating from one of the following to describe the employees' performance:(1) Unsatisfactory, (2) Needs Improvement, (3) fully acceptable, and (4) exceptional. The overall rating is a composite of the employee's rating in each of the following: (1) completion of objectives; (2) demonstrated capabilities; and (3) personal and professional attributes.
      2. Administrators and Supervisory/Professionals
        1. The supervisor of record will evaluate the employee's performance and assign an overall rating from one of the following to describe the employee's performance:
          1. RE: Rarely equaled in exceeding performance objectives and job requirements.
          2. CE: Clearly exceeds performance objectives and job requirements.
          3. MR: Meets performance objectives and job requirements.
          4. MM: Meets minimum
          5. FM: Failed to meet a majority of the performance objectives and job requirements either by incomplete assignments or not achieving the desired outcome.
  2. The supervisor of record will meet with the employee to discuss his/her performance for the period under review and present the formal, written evaluation document and any supporting materials.
    1. Employees will be requested, but not required, to sign the evaluation document to indicate agreement with the contents and/or receipt of the document.
    2. The signed evaluation document and supporting materials will be placed in the employee's personnel file.
  3. Appeals of an Evaluation Rating
    1. Staff
      1. Staff members may appeal the validity of the overall rating or specific statements in accordance with college procedure.
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