Due to severe weather, all classes, activities, clinicals, and events are delayed until 10AM 2/17/2025. This includes in-person, online/virtual and hybrid classes, clinicals, events, meetings and college offices.


Policy Title: Nepotism
Policy Number: 3354:2-20-79
Originally Approved Date:12/7/00
Revised Date(s):09/03/2009
Related Procedure:
Approved By:Board of Trustees
Printable PDF:


Continuing Admin & S/P Temporary Admin & S/P Tenure-track Faculty Non-tenure track Faculty
x Full-time x Full-time x Full-time x Temporary
x Partial-year x Partial-year   x Part-time
x Part-time x Part-time    
Staff Staff
x Full-time x Full-time    
x Partial-year x Partial-year    
x Part-time x Part-time    


  1. Nepotism Policy
    1. For those employees hired or promoted after April 1, 2003, the college does not allow employment of relatives in the same department or administrative unit.
    2. For the purpose of this policy, relatives are defined as brother, sister, mother, father, wife, husband, son, daughter, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, step-child, step-parent, aunt, uncle, first cousin, niece, nephew, grandparent and grandchild.
    3. If the hiring administrator or supervisor identifies a uniquely qualified candidate for a position, and the candidate is a relative as defined in (A) (2), or if special circumstances warrant, the administrator may submit a written recommendation for an exception to this policy to Human Resources for approval by the President.
Staging Enabled