Lakeland Community College classes, clinicals, events, meetings and college offices to resume at 10AM 12/03/2024.
Visit our closings page for information on specific class cancellations.


Procedure Number: BS45-02
Title: Use of Facilities by College Entities
Date Approved:
Updated & Approved:
Related Policy



  1. College entities and Lakeland chartered clubs and organizations are permitted to use available college facilities free of charge provided that all extraordinary costs directly relating to the event are borne by the sponsoring group. Free use shall be denied in cases where fees are charged or solicited which will not be expended for the welfare of students of the college or are collected for reasons of personal profit.
    1. When it is deemed appropriate that law enforcement service should be present at an event such law enforcement costs shall be the responsibility of the sponsoring group.
    2. The college reserves the right to levy additional charges for special services, equipment, or excessive clean-up costs.
    3. Narcotics are not permitted on college property. The serving of alcoholic beverages is prohibited unless expressly authorized by the Vice President for Administrative Services. Smoking is prohibited in all college facilities and vehicles.
Staging Enabled