Due to severe weather, all classes, activities, clinicals, and events are delayed until 10AM 2/17/2025. This includes in-person, online/virtual and hybrid classes, clinicals, events, meetings and college offices.

Veterans Services

Lakeland's Veterans Center assists military-connected students and their family members in making a smooth and successful transition to college. Lakeland's Veterans Center services include:

Veterans Center Entrance
  • Veterans center in S-building, Room S-216 is equipped with a computer lab, study area and gaming area with a vintage console where student veterans can gather in private.
  • Priority registration for classes.
  • Scholarship application assistance.
  • Military transcript evaluation available at the Lakeland Transfer Center.
  • Award-winning Student Veterans of America Chapter (more info below).
  • Support for military-connected family members.
  • Student Accommodation Center.
  • Career Services Center in A-building, room A-1039.
  • And many more services and engagement opportunities for all military-connected students.

Lakeland Community College is a member of the Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) consortium. It adheres to Ohio's GI Promise, and accepts military transcripts for college credit.

Veterans Center Lounge

Student Veterans of America

The Lakeland Student Veterans of America (SVA) is an award-winning student group that supports military-connected students, advocates and allies with community-building, scholarships, internships, free travel opportunities and so much more!

The SVA is open to all students. Contact for more information.

The SVA participates in various events throughout the year, including:

  • SVA scholarships and awards.
  • Purposeful community engagement with local high schools, veterans organizations and other military groups.
  • Free activities, outings family-friendly activities and travel opportunities.

Lakeland maintains a task force comprised of faculty and staff who are familiar with the unique challenges affecting military-affiliated students. We are here to support your educational, career, family and emergency needs.

Contact the Lakeland Veteran's Center any time with questions or comments.



Follow Lakeland Veterans Center & SVA

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