Due to severe weather, all classes, activities, clinicals, and events are delayed until 10AM 2/17/2025. This includes in-person, online/virtual and hybrid classes, clinicals, events, meetings and college offices.

Campus Psychologist

Psychological services are available to help you succeed in pursuing your education when personal, emotional, or mental health difficulties are interfering with your learning. Some common challenges that student face include anxiety, stress, depression, relationship problems, challenging life transitions and a range of mental health concerns. Our campus psychologist, Dr. Ken Browner, can provide you with a caring, supportive, confidential, and professional environment in which to explore your personal challenges and facilitate change.

Services include assessment, mental health counseling, short-term couples counseling, referral and crisis intervention. Psychological services can help you get back on track and help you succeed in pursuing your education at Lakeland. If your needs go beyond the scope of services that are offered on our campus, our psychologist will work closely with you to help you get connected with appropriate off campus resources.

Make an Appointment

To make an appointment with our campus psychologist, you can choose any of the following methods:

Confidentiality and Procedures

Students are often concerned about their privacy when seeking out personal counseling on campus. All information that a student shares is regarded as confidential. Records are stored separately from your general college records, and only the campus psychologist has access to them. Information is not shared with outside parties unless permission to do so is given by the student. However, if there is a serious threat of harm to yourself or someone else, it may be required by law to share information with an outside party in order to ensure your safety. If you have any questions regarding confidentiality of psychological services, please feel free to discuss them with Dr. Browner at any time.

Helpful Worksheets


Staging Enabled