Schedule Types


A co-op/field course provides on-the-job experience which takes place off-campus in support of a student's field of study.



Hybrid/Hybrid Lab

The hybrid (blended) course provides the advantages of weekly face-to-face interaction between faculty and students with the flexibility and convenience of less time in the classroom. Significant coursework and interactions between instructor, students, and classmates take place both in the on-campus classroom and online. The total amount of time required for the blended course is typically the same as with a traditional face-to-face course. The percentage of face-to-face on-campus classroom time is reduced as time devoted to online activities is increased.





Video Conferencing (IVDL)

Video Conferencing classrooms combine traditional face-to-face instruction with online learning by using live video to connect two or more classrooms. Students located in one classroom on campus can interact in real-time with an instructor and students in another location.



Lecture/Lab (face-to-face)

Lecture and lab course types provide traditional face-to-face instruction in an on-campus classroom and/or on-campus laboratory.



Online/Online Lab

In the fully online course all course instruction is delivered online. Students are not required to come to campus to participate in any portion of the coursework or evaluation. There are no required synchronous (real-time) scheduled interactions (e.g., web-conferencing, chat, proctored exams). It is important to note, the online course is not self-paced; students are expected to complete assignments and assessments on a schedule that is similar to the traditional course and aligns with the regular academic calendar.

View Lakeland's 100% online degrees and certificates here!





Online WSR/WSR Lab

The online with synchronous requirements (WSR) course is delivered primarily online using Blackboard. The difference between the fully online and online-WSR is there are some required remote face-to-face or synchronous (real-time) interactions, such as: class orientation, regularly scheduled chat or web-conferencing sessions, and/or proctored exams. Please refer to the course syllabus for specific course requirements.





Self-Paced Courses

Self-paced courses are on-campus and computer-based to allow students to work at their own pace with instructor assistance.




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