Due to severe weather, all classes, activities, clinicals, and events are cancelled for 1/21/2025 and delayed opening 1/22/2025. This includes in-person, online/virtual and hybrid classes, clinicals, events, meetings and college offices.

Curriculum & Transfer

Articulation Agreements

Articulation Agreement Partners Logo

The Biotechnology Science program has joined with Ursuline College, in nearby Pepper Pike, Ohio, to provide students a smooth transition to a baccalaureate degree. Under this 2 + 2 arrangement students get full credit for all courses taken within the program and begin at Ursuline with Junior status. Students may also opt to enroll at Ursuline College for all four years and take Lakeland's biotechnology science courses to fulfill a biotechnology major (contact Ursuline College for more details).

Lakeland's Biotechnology Science program also has transfer agreements with Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland State University.
View the CWRU/ LCC Transfer Guide (PDF).

A state-wide transfer assurance guide (TAG) guarantees credit transfer for general education courses throughout the University System of Ohio. View the Transfer Assurance Guide Approved Courses Reporting System.

These agreements bring meaningful credit for Lakeland's technical courses toward each University's graduation requirements. Over 80% of Lakeland's graduates with an Associate of Applied Science in Biotechnology Science pursue a bachelor's degree. Most graduates take advantage of tuition waivers or tuition reimbursement programs provided by their employer. Bachelor's degrees are most often attained at little or no cost. With innovative articulation agreements, Lakeland hopes to help provide students with a seamless education from kindergarten through a bachelor's degree.

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