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Procedure Title: Transfer Appeals Procedures
Procedure Number:IS46-16
Originally Approved Date:12/91
Revised Date(s):06/10/2003, 10/10/05; 4/5/07
Related Policy: 3354:2-46-16 3354:2-61-11
Approved By:President
Printable PDF:



  1. Purpose
    1. To promote prompt resolution of perceived wrongs and/or injustice that may arise between students and the transfer evaluator in the transfer of credits.
    2. To comply with the Ohio Articulation and Transfer Policy mandate of a multi-level appeals process for students who disagree with the application of transfer credit by Lakeland Community College.
  2. Complaint Resolution Process Transfer of Credits to Lakeland Community College
    1. Occasions may arise when a student thinks that he/she has a legitimate basis for complaint. It is the policy of the college to promptly resolve these complaints. The normal process is as follows:
      1. When a student thinks that he/she has a complaint, it should be taken by the student directly to the transfer evaluator who has completed the transfer evaluation. The transfer evaluator should attempt to resolve the matter informally and without the need to establish a record.
      2. If the student and transfer evaluator are unable to resolve the matter, the student may go to the Associate Provost for Student and Learning Support Services requesting a review of the transfer evaluation. The Associate Provost for Student and Learning Support Services will review the transfer evaluation and will respond to the student in writing within ten (10) business days of the request.
      3. If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the Associate Provost for Student and Learning Support Services, the student may choose to continue the appeals process by submitting a written appeal to the Executive Vice President and Provost within five (5) business days requesting a review of the transfer evaluation process. The Executive Vice President and Provost will convene an ad hoc panel of three (3) faculty members representing three (3) of the College's academic divisions to review the student request.
      4. A written decision will be provided to the student within thirty (30) days and the panel's decision will be final.
    2. To promote prompt and equitable resolutions of student complaints, appeals must be initiated by the student within ninety (90) days after the student has received a written copy of the transfer evaluation.
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